
Welcome to Suyash Developer

Founded by Smita Ghangurde seven years ago, Suyash Developers aims to provide affordable second homes for those looking to escape the busy city life. Our goal is to offer a peaceful retreat that feels like a true second home.

Spread over 6.75 acres, our land has been developed in three stages—Devraai, Vanraai, and Aamraai. We’re proud to share that both Devraai and Vanraai have been warmly received and are fully sold out, demonstrating the trust our customers place in our vision.

Explore Aamraai – Your New Retreat

We are excited to introduce Aamraai, the latest phase of our development. Aamraai continues our tradition of blending natural beauty with essential modern amenities. These plots are designed to be the foundation of your dream weekend home—a place to unwind and recharge.

Experience Our Homestay Services

While we continue to develop our expertise, we also offer homestay accommodations with full meal services for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Whether you prefer vegetarian or non-vegetarian, we ensure a comfortable stay with satisfying meals.

Visit us at Aamraai, where your new getaway—and a taste of home—awaits